This year we planted some radishes. I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t had very much luck with these in the past. I say “ashamed” because they are actually very easy to grow. In previous years when I’ve planted them the bulb never developed and grew. My theory is that we just weren’t giving them enough water. This year we have a more consistent watering schedule due to putting in a sprinkler system last year. My radishes this year have really taken off and are doing so well. I love to put radishes in my salad. I like the crispiness they add to a salad and I also like the slight spiciness they have. This is another crop that we like to plant in small amounts and then after they have sprouted plant another small crop. This way I have radishes the same time I have lettuce for salads.
My favorite varieties so far are “sparkler” and “french breakfast”. They are great because they grow quickly and are usually one of the first crops out of the garden.
Adam I’ll have to look for those and try them. I wonder if they will do well here in this climate.