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If you look at the first post about me starting to blog about the garden there’s a list about what I planted.  You may notice that cantaloupe was not one of them.  When we planted our watermelon we waited and waited and it did nothing so we decided to go get another plant and got a cantaloupe.  I didn’t know that cantaloupe did so well here.  I wish we had bought it instead of wasting time on the watermelon first.  We so far have three cantaloupes and one is almost ready.  They are about the size of a soft ball, smaller than your normal grocery store cantaloupe.  I can’t wait to get my first taste of fresh garden cantaloupe I hear it’s really good.  As for the watermelon we left it in the garden and as soon as the cantaloupe started to take off so did the watermelon.  We now have a watermelon the size of a base ball.  The sad thing is there is definitely not enough time for it to ripen before the first frost.


Watermelon on the left in the shade. Cantaloupe on the right