Day three started here at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Day three was so busy I had to split it into a couple of post. This museum is huge. We didn’t go here to tour the museum though. That’s going to have to be another trip. We did, however, go here to see an IMAX 3-D movie. The movie that we watched was “Flying Monsters.” This movie was about the tarasaur. This is the first 3-D IMAX movie that our little family has ever been to. The first impression I had was wow this is really neat. The second impression was we should do this more often. Then things began to change about 30 minutes in I started to get a little motion sick. By the time it ended my vertigo was off and I felt nauseated. The kids loved it but my first and second impressions were quickly dismissed by the end. They can go again but I think I might have to pass.
The museum has a little discovery center around the corner from the theater. After the show we decided to take the kids in there to explore a little. They had fun with all the cool stuff to do. One of our favorites was the wall with mirrors on it. Preston enjoyed making his arm look like a wing. There was a skinny mirror that I wouldn’t mind having in my bedroom.